Our Work
Check out our recent projects below:

Buote Subdivision,
Whitecourt, AB
Installation of Storm Sewer, waterline, sewer lines. Highlights of this project included dealing with an unusually high water table and working with utility companies to obtain crossing agreements for overhead and underground utilties.
Northern Lakes College, Grouard, AB
Installation of a waterline, manholes, and catchbasins. Highlights of this project included the great hospitality of the Northern Lakes College cafeteria! Their food was awesome! Our crew especially loved Bannock Day!

Chevron Gas Station,
Peace River, AB
This project included the installation of an underground fuel reservoir, storm scepter, water and sewerlines, manholes and catch basins.
HDPE Waterline,
Tangent, AB
Installation of 15 km of pressurized HDPE waterline utilizing a specialized digging bucket (nicknamed "the Claw") which was designed by John Kalyn and manufactured by Hell 'n Back Welding. Standard Butt Fusing, specialized Electrofusion and directional drilling were all used to install the pipe. A collective "YAY" was heard when the ball test traveled through the entire 15 km of pipe and popped out at the end of the waterline in Tangent!